Learn how to identify Bedbugs with this large collection of Bed Bugs pictures, photos and illustrations of the bed bug life cycles. With the bed bug epidemic that is sweeping the country currently, it is more important than ever to be able to identify a bed bug when you see it. Because, if you don’t , you might soon have a nasty and expensive bed bug infestation on your hands, as they can multiply quickly. Also, these critters are often confused with cockroaches, booklice and other common insects, so before you panic, have a look a these bed bugs pictures and see if you can recognize them.
If you do discover bed bugs in your home or your hotel room, then do not sleep in the same room. Most likely you will get bitten overnight. Sleep in another hotel or room, that you are fairly certain is bed bug free.

The bed bug eggs are white, about 1 mm long, and almost impossible to see on most surfaces. The female bed bug lays about 200 eggs in her lifetime, at a rate of about three or four per day. Clusters of 10-50 bed bug eggs can be found in cracks and crevices.
Bed bug eggs hatch in six to 17 days.
A newly hatched bed bug nymph will feed as soon as food is available. A bed bug goes through five molts. Each molt takes place after a blood feed.